Yearly Archive 2024


21st anniversary celebratory hike in perfect weather up Eldorado Canyon to the old Crags hotel and RR tracks.


Happy Labor Day!
Art by Margaret Vail Palmquist


I dreamt that me and half a dozen other people existed in this constantly fluid space dimension where solids were transitory and at any moment you might be able to pass through objects. The whole dimension was moving and constantly evolving into different shapes and planes. There were phases where everything became completely opaque, and others were infinite plains dissected the space along with shapes that were like liquids in geometric forms. Some shapes became realms where only certain beings could exist, but not move between. We were all swimming around weightless and for some reason we were the only creatures that could move between it all. We were ourselves, human, but other creatures were spherical or simply points of light. All this took place inside a mountain, in an infinite void with apartment windows looking out to blue skies.


Part of a mural by Julie Kitzes in an alley near my home in Lafayette.


It has finally cooled off enough in the evenings to spend some outside drawing time.


What do Yoga Moms, Qannon and Tech Companies have in common? Disinformation. Satanic Panic, Flat-Earth, Pizzagate, Anti-Vax, MAGA… why we live in the new dark ages.


This print was made with a single “swelling” unbroken spiral line engraved directly onto a metal plate. The Sudarium of Saint Veronica by Claude Mellan 1649.